
Desear buena suerte a alguien en un competición con un regalo especial

BUSCAR por regalos de suerte para una  COMPETICIÓN  en nuestra tienda online

En concursos entre los individuos o grupos para un título o un premio, rivalidades profundas pueden surgir – ya sea sobre la búsqueda de prestigio y fama, o por dinero. Empresas se asocia a menudo con la competencia como la mayoría de las empresas están en competencia con al menos una otra empresa para el mismo grupo de clientes. Pero, en general, es en los deportes y los juegos competitivos y carreras que las principales áreas de competencia se producen entre los atletas, equipos, corredores y otros concursantes – y un buen regalo suerte puede significar tanto.

En una competencia como un maratón o triatlón, por ejemplo, sus amigos y seres queridos pueden necesitar toda la suerte que pueden conseguir. Así que porqué no enviarles uno de nuestros regalos inspirados para desearles buena suerte en una carrera, juego, partido u otro evento importante. Muchos deportistas (especialmente de los jugadores del equipo) usan talismanes, amuletos de la suerte, calcetines, etc. ¿Por qué no comprar uno para su amigo y dejar que animarles y ayudar a llevarlos éxito y buena fortuna en su competencia o en el días de su carrera importante, juego o partido?

Indalo earrings ~ a jewellery gift for luck, protection + health

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Product Details

A beautiful gift to pass on good luck, confidence and wellness

These stunning Indalo earrings consist of vibrant beads of Red Jasper and Turquoise, plus the lucky Indalo, well-known in Spain as a symbol of protection and good fortune.

Red jasper has been used as a so-called "stone of protection" for thousands of years. The gem was a favourite in the ancient world, and it can be traced back to Greek, Hebrew, Persian, Latin, and Assyrian literature.

Turquoise too has been prized for thousands of years as a stone of protection and good luck. It is also said to be a stone of happiness (partly because it is historically a symbol of love) and to have a calming effect on the wearer. As the modern birthstone for December, it also makes an ideal gift for people born between December 23 and January 20.

Description: The earrings measure approx 58mm in length including the hanging wire. The little Indalos and wires are sterling-silver. In-between, hang red jasper and turquoise gemstone beads and silver-coated ceramic washers.

:)- Gift-Wrapped
:)- Option for free information card (see photo)
:)- Personal message can be added
:)- Rapid shipping

Encourage your friends or loved-ones to be confident, lucky and well, by giving them these special earrings which combine many features of luck, protection and good fortune: Ideal gift for for someone travelling, starting something new, or facing a challenge (even retiring): Could be perfect as a gift for someone starting a new job too, or to wish someone luck when going to university for example, or for an interview - it shows them you really care about their wellbeing. Comes gift-wrapped, like all our presents (with an optional information card about the Indalo) - and we can print a personal message on your behalf.

RED JASPER : The so-called "Guardian gemstone"
Red jasper has been thought of as a stone of protection for thousands of years. It is also said to give people the courage to stick to their beliefs, and the bravery to strive for personal independence. Some people also believe that Red Jasper can promote physical stamina.
For these reasons, Red Jasper would be a suitable companion for those travelling on a journey or trip; as well as for people attending an interview, or perhaps visiting the hospital, or facing the challenges of a new activity or "first day".


More information about Red Jasper


More information about the Indalo symbol . .


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