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Guardian owl bracelet ~ NaturalSoul, honey

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Product Details

Jewellery said to offer protection and wisdom

This bracelet is one of our NaturalSoul range and features a row of wooden and metal beads and a decorative metal owl charm and honey coloured large bead. The Owl is a symbol of wisdom, truth, patience, foresight and knowledge, and a protector against harm. The perfect gift to inspire your friends or loved-ones to be more positive and to extend your sentiments of protection from harm. Ideal gift for a teenager (perhaps someone travelling during a gap-year). A gift with soul.

:)- Gift-Wrapped

:)- Optional information card about the wise Owl (free)

:)- Personal message can be added

:)- Rapid shipping

Dimensions: Length of bracelet approx 19cms (7.5"), but is completely adjustable with the drawstring fastener.

Do you know someone who could do with some extra belief for a special event (an exam, perhaps?), or protection as they journey abroad or embark on new ventures? Show them how much you you care with this unique and soulful bracelet. Comes gift-wrapped, like all our presents (with an information card) - and we can print a personal message on your behalf.

More information about the meaning of Owl jewellery and symbolism . .
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